Thursday 31 July 2008

Catch Up

I thought I should take a second to catch everyone up on what's been going on in my life. I haven't written in about a week, mainly because I have had so much writing and reading to for all my classes. Though the summer term is winding down, the homework is picking up! I have two final papers and a final project (don't of the papers is related to the project). And on top of all that, I'm going to Scotland this weekend! It's going to be hectic, but ultimately rewarding...I hope. I'm sure I will have loved this experience this summer when I look back on it in a few months, when things are less confused and stressful. AAAGH!

I'm fine. I'm fine.

Okay, so last week we went punting and played some Ultimate Frisbee. It was some great group time and I really enjoyed it, even though my team lost at Ultimate, and some British punks decided to bother our group from the bank. Grrr... It was still a really fun time, though.

This is me punting. It really is very easy.

The Childers and Bill being smug about the fact that they are better punters than all of us.

A duckie!


Don't say I didn't try really hard to win the game.

I tried to block Bill most of the time, since he was on the other team. It didn't really ever work.

Later in the week, I managed to get out to Port Meadow early in the morning to feed the ducks and take pictures of the horses. After that, I went and picked strawberries at Medley Farm. They were scarce, but I managed to get enough to fill half of my tub and the woman at the counter took about 20 pence off of my final cost for my "hard work," as she put it. I certainly agreed with her. I accidentally put my hand into a patch of Stinging Nettles in my search for strawberries and, let me just say, their name is very accurate. Ouch.

A cute foal and its mom at Port Meadow.

Me petting one of the horses at Port Meadow. They were very interested in my camera.

I'm leaving for Scotland with my friend, Nikki, in about 3 1/2 hours, so I'm going to sign off so I can pack and maybe get a few hours sleep before I leave.


Unknown said...

When you were punting on that lovely body of water, did you meet any strange women or watery tarts in the water distributing swords?

Katherine said...

You, sir, are a dork. But that comment just made my day.

And no, I'm afraid not. Only nasty British children. And the Queen's birds.

Kate Huggins said...

I thought punting had something to do with the football or what have you. Hmmm...learn something everyday don't you?

Love the blog. I want to hear about Nessie!!!

And Breaking Dawn is something can borrow my copy if you want to. I can't stand it so I am not finishing it. :) I'm hard core stubborn like that.